Pikante, primer restaurante de la Confederación Suiza que obtiene la licencia de marca país
6. August 2020
Die peruanische Küche ist auf dem Vormarsch: 6 Restaurant-Tipps in der Schweiz
24. Oktober 2020
Pikante, primer restaurante de la Confederación Suiza que obtiene la licencia de marca país
6. August 2020
Die peruanische Küche ist auf dem Vormarsch: 6 Restaurant-Tipps in der Schweiz
24. Oktober 2020

Pikante, first Peruvian-styled restaurant in Switzerland to obtain country brand license

Lucerne (Switzerland), Aug. 7. (Andina) Peru’s Exports and Tourism Promotion Board granted Pikante restaurant the first license that allows it to use the Marca Peru (Peru Brand) in the Swiss Confederation.

The ceremony was held on July 25 in Lucerne and organized by PromPeru’s commercial office for France and the Swiss Confederation.

It took place within the framework of the South American country’s gastronomy festival, which allowed attendees to get to know and taste dishes, drinks and other national products.

This event, launched with the support from the network of Inca product importers and distributors in the Swiss country, was designed to commemorate Peru’s 199th Independence Anniversary. It became a display of solidarity with exporters who continue to supply top quality food to the European market.

The gastronomic festival

For the festival, a street market was set up where Swiss-Peruvian importers and distributors representing Tumi de Oro —specialist in fresh, dry and frozen products—, Latin Flavors —offering typical Peruvian cheeses made in Switzerland— and Makumayu —which sells alpaca clothing and accessories— addressed the attendees. The latter even offered a parade.

There were also representatives of Cafe Viajero, with its special coffees and chili chocolates with Peruvian cocoa; Inkaru, craft beer based on quinoa; Pisco Mundo; as well as Import Drinks. Silver jewelry artisan Isabel Ramos and bartender Jesus Peruvian Pisco were also present at the event.

The Peruvian gastronomy has received multiple international recognitions. With the granting of the country brand license to Pikante restaurant, the delicious national cuisine will be further promoted in the demanding European market.

Our country brand includes identity and national pride, and allows Peru to properly position itself worldwide thanks to the goods and services it offers through a unique, relevant and consistent identity.


Published: 8/7/2020

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